2006 授業計画(抜粋)

コード MC31-01
系列 系列:I. English Studies
授業科目 2年英文演習10−1
副題 Language, Society, and the Media
副専攻 英語英文学副専攻 メディア・コミュニケーション分野
担当者 濱口 壽子
単位 2
期・曜時 前期 火3
対象学年 1(B)・2年

 This course aims at understanding components of everyday interaction such as conversation. Students are encouraged to think critically about how we use language and how social phenomena such as gender, age, ethnic, or status differences of participants affect the way we use language. Discourse data will be mostly taken from the media (e.g., TV, the Internet).
 Regular attendance, reading assignments, data collection, mid-term and final papers.
 Handouts and articles.
 Students are expected to actively participate in class discussions.
1.Introduction to language in society
2.Introduction to discourse analysis
3.Speech acts
4.Dell Hymes' SPEAKING
5.Workshop: Speech acts and SPEAKING
6.Turn-taking organization, Opening & Closing
7.Discussion on Opening & Closing and gender differences in language
8.Framing in discourse
9.Workshop: Framing
10.Wrap up: Language and society revisited

University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo